Race Paraffin hot wax
An advanced version of the standard hot wax- clean the ski, apply and scape a base paraffin. Apply an apporpiorate running layer. Based on conditions or your ask, this might be another block paraffin, or a liquid paraffin. Lastly, apply hand structure as needed based on current conditions, brush and ready to go!
An advanced version of the standard hot wax- clean the ski, apply and scape a base paraffin. Apply an apporpiorate running layer. Based on conditions or your ask, this might be another block paraffin, or a liquid paraffin. Lastly, apply hand structure as needed based on current conditions, brush and ready to go!
An advanced version of the standard hot wax- clean the ski, apply and scape a base paraffin. Apply an apporpiorate running layer. Based on conditions or your ask, this might be another block paraffin, or a liquid paraffin. Lastly, apply hand structure as needed based on current conditions, brush and ready to go!